Community Opportunity for Families of Black Students


(From Oct 13 special bulletin from Principal Heidi Paul)


This message is intended for Families of Black Students within the Redmond Ridge Area:

This is an open invitation for parents of black students who attend the elementary schools and middle school in Redmond Ridge. This includes Rosa Parks, Wilder, Ella Baker and Timberline Schools. 
With the support of the LWSD Office of Opportunity, Equity and Inclusion and building principals, we invite all parents of black students to come together regularly to learn, and partner with their schools for the mutual goal towards the success for their children within our schools.
Our meetings will take place on the 3rd Tuesday of the month and childcare will be provided when we are no longer remote. 

  • October 20th 2020 5-6:30pm
  • November 17th 5:00-6:30pm
  • December 15th 5:00-6:30pm
  • January 26h 5:00-6:30pm* ( this is fourth Tuesday this month)
  • February 16th 5:00-6:30pm
  • March 16th 5:00-6:30pm

Click here for the zoom  link for our meetings:  Redmond Ridge Families of Black students 
password Affinity.
What is the purpose of an affinity space? 
Affinity spaces provide an opportunity for sharing and exploring identities of our children and how to support and navigate their academic and social emotional success within a safe and supportive community in a way that affirms, values and centers them as African Americans.    Parents gather to talk, and learn from one another in a safe space about issues related to their shared identities as parents, and work to build a more inclusive community in their perspective schools
This is a space for people for whom the racial identity of their children is African American/African diaspora/multi-racial black. It is not a space for people for whom their children don’t carry these identities. 
If you have questions, please email myself or our Equity Director, Gloria Henderson ([email protected]).