Fundraising Campaigns

Pass the Hat Donations

The Pass the Hat fundraiser is our annual fundraiser that kicks off every year in September. Although we gratefully accept donations throughout the year, we base many of our programs on our fundraising results in the first few months of school. Our suggested donation amount is $100 per student and every penny of this donation is used to directly impact our Timberline students.

Where does your donation go?


 This pie chart represents a portion of our overall fundraising that is directed to the programs listed.

  • Staff Grants
    Our annual staff grants program works to help provide curriculum-based materials to our teachers and staff to help supplement and support our student’s education and the needs of our teachers and staff. Learn more about specific projects on our Donations at Work page.
  • Family and Community Engagement, Student Enrichment
    These are programs that help to bring our community together and also provide our students with additional enrichment opportunities. Programs may include Parent Education Events, Speakers, Student Assemblies, Discussion Panels, and Student Curricular Programs on topics that are important to the well-being and growth of our students and culturally diverse and multilingual community.
  • Student Scholarships, TMS Help Fund, 8th Grade Legacy Project
    Our Timberline PTSA is proud to be partnering with our counseling department and community resources to help provide much needed support to our students and families through our scholarships and TMS Help Grant. Additionally, we are proud to help recognize our students who honor our PACK Way through our Student Incentive Grant and excited to honor our outgoing 8th graders through our ongoing 8th Grade Legacy Project.
  • Sustainability
    We are very proud to work directly with our students and staff to ensure that our school and all of our programs are sustainable and follow the LWSD Green School Initiative by teaching and encouraging best practices to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • Community Enrichment Donations - Supports PTSA programs at the district level.

Staff Appreciation Donations

We continue to share our thanks and appreciation for our incredible Timberline staff, who are working tirelessly to support our students. Your donations to this program are used directly to provide encouragement and show gratitude to teachers and staff throughout the year!

Emergency Preparedness Donations

Your donations to this program will be used to directly build the supplies of emergency materials for our students. In case of a natural emergency or otherwise, the PTSA helps to support enough food, water, and emergency supplies to keep our students safe - these supplies are stored on school property to best be of use to our students and staff currently and in future years.