Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities

Click on the role to get more details.

VP Ways and Means
VP Communications 
VP Volunteers 
VP Student Programs
VP of Advocacy

If you are interested in more information about any of these positions, please email [email protected]


• The (co-)president(s) shall be the presiding officer and the official spokesperson of the Timberline
PTSA, following standards of conduct
• Official signer on all PTSA bank accounts
• Keep updated on all Standards of Affiliation
• Appoint a financial review committee to perform twice-annual reviews of all books and records
• Communicate regularly with officers and chairs and be available to members, preside over all board and 
membership meetings, and automatically serve as an ex-officio member of all committees (except the 
nominating committee)
• Stand as participant on budget committee, PTSA awards committee, and internal (staff) grants 
• Work directly with Hospitality Chair and Membership Chair to set and attain goals and plans of action
• Work with all volunteers, committees, and school to set and attain annual goals and plans of action
• Have a positive relationship with the council, AVP, and neighboring school PTSAs
• Have a positive relationship with the Timberline principal and staff
• Work to update standing rules, budget, organizational chart, job descriptions, policies, and annual 
calendar each year
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually 

Meetings (4-6 hours a month)
• Twice a month meetings with the Principal (30 minutes * 2)
• Check in once a month with Counselors (30 minutes)
• Monthly council meetings (90 minutes per month)-can be delegated to board members
• Annual WSPTA Convention (3 days in May)
• Legislative Assembly (2 weekend days in October)
• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (60-90 minutes per month)
• Monthly check-in with Timberline AVP (60 minutes)
• Additional meetings/check-ins as needed

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 20 hours a month


• Send out a Call for Agenda items to all Board Members one week prior to all meetings. Using that 
information, the secretary will work with the president to formulate an official agenda
• For board meetings, agendas shall be sent out at least three days prior to meetings along with meeting 
invitation information. For membership meetings, agenda and meeting invitations shall be sent 10 days 
prior to the general membership as well as to the Board and chairs; Board of Director Meeting agendas 
and invitations will be sent to all Board members and chairs only
• Take minutes for all board and membership meetings, plan and distribute the monthly meeting agenda, 
issue notices of meetings, handle correspondence, and keep roster of committees
• Take attendance at meetings to determine if a quorum is present and keep record of attendance
• Receive and review all monthly bank statements; sign and date with comments and turn over to treasurer
• Maintain a current roster of all officers and board members and work with the membership chair to have 
a current membership list available for membership meetings
• Maintain copies of all minutes, correspondence, committee reports, newsletters, meeting notices, and 
other such documents in the official files of the local PTSA
• Collect and organize all compliance documents; apply for annual standards/compliance PTSA awards
• Work with Treasurer to keep all official PTSA records and documents, one shall be hard copy, the 
second stored under File Storage Policy guidelines
• Update File Storage Policy annually
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually 

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 4-8 hours a month


• Assure all PTSA funds are promptly deposited into established bank accounts
• Assure that appropriate and adequate insurance is purchased for the PTSA 
• Keep an accurate and detailed account of all funds received and disbursed
• Pay all authorized financial obligations of the PTSA, including membership dues and fees owed to a 
• Prepare and file the appropriate IRS informational forms (990-N, 990-EZ or 990), state sales tax forms, 
annual incorporation renewal report, Charitable Solicitations report, business license, city/county 
• Preserve all receipts, invoices, bank statements, cancelled checks, and other financial records as 
specified in the records retention timetable
• Present a detailed, written monthly financial report at all board and general meetings and submit written 
reports by mail or email to the board during months when no meetings are held. These reports shall be 
sent to all meeting attendees at least three days prior to meeting along with agenda and meeting 
invitation information
• Develop and present, with the support of the budget committee, the budget for the following year 
• Submit an annual report at the end of the fiscal year (June 30)
• Prior to delivering books to new treasurer, submit current year’s records to a financial review committee
• Keep an accurate record of all PTSA owned property
• Work with internal grants committee to pay all approved grants and follow up to ensure usage by June 
• Work with Secretary to keep all official PTSA records and documents, one shall be hard copy, the 
second stored under File Storage Policy guidelines
• Update Funds Handling Policy and the Login/Password Policy annually
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually 

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 10-15 hours per month. The summer is slow, but the two months with the financial review and the 
beginning of the school year when all the donations and memberships come in at once take more.

VP Ways and Means

• Responsible for the means to raise PTSA funds and the ways the funds are distributed to the community
• Oversee and support the committees of external grants, affinity programs, Pass the Hat program, and any 
other fundraising events and committees that serve this purpose
• Lead the Staff Grant process throughout the year
• Attend TMS events to promote our fundraising efforts throughout the year
• Responsible for working with treasurer to track all donations and send out thank you letters to donors 
accordingly and in a timely manner
• Work to procure and create the annual gift basket for the LWSF annual scholarship fundraising program
• Work directly with the TMS Help/Pantry Packs coordinator to ensure funding and promote events.
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually and attend all TMS PTSA board and 
membership meetings

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 3-4 hours a month 

VP Communications

• The VP Communications shall be responsible for the dissemination of information to the board, school 
staff, students, and families of the TMS PTSA community
• Oversee and support the volunteers managing the weekly newsletter, website, social media, online 
calendars, and other committees or volunteers who serve this purpose
• Proofread and edit messaging send out from the organization
• Must be fluent in English with excellent writing skills
• Keep record of all logins and passwords for all online PTSA activity across all committees
• Work to create an annual digital summer mailer to update students and families on the upcoming school 
year information
• Create and centralize all forms used across all committees
• Work to create a cohesive Style Guide for all PTSA communications to ensure a regulated appearance 
and ensure the proper branding on all PTSA items and communications
• Update the Social Media Policy and the Login/Password Policy annually
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually and attend all TMS PTSA board and 
membership meetings

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 9-13 hours a month 

VP Volunteers

• The VP Volunteers shall be responsible for reaching out to all families to create a list of interested 
volunteers and their availability
• Maintain list of interested volunteers and use that information to connect volunteers to events and 
committees when needed
• Create and manage all volunteer sign-ups across all committees
• Attend events and manage all volunteers as needed
• Oversee and support volunteers managing Hospitality including staff appreciation events and ASB 
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually 

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 4-5 hours a month on average, but 4-6 hours/week at the beginning of the school year (September) 

VP Family and Community Engagement

• The VP FACE shall be responsible for efforts, events and programs that welcome and build the 
Timberline community and offer opportunity for parents and families to engage with the school and 
each other
• Oversee and support the volunteers involved with the needs of our diverse community: special needs, 
language liaisons, community engagement events, and other committees that serve this purpose
• Create a calendar of events including speakers, panels, round tables, and events that allow all members 
of the community to attend
• Work directly with the Advocacy Chair to ensure involvement and awareness of all council and state 
advocacy programs
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually 

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 2-4 hours a month

VP Student Programs

• The VP Student Programs shall be responsible for researching and creating appropriate student 
programs that include all students and enrich the educational environment and expand educational 
• Oversee and support the volunteers involved with enrichment programs, service learning, student PTSA 
clubs, and national PTSA programs
• Create an annual calendar of programs and events and work with school to ensure a broad range of 
opportunities are available between PTSA and ASB
• Update the Student Programs Policy annually
• Required to attend one approved WSPTA Training class annually 

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)
• Meeting with teachers, chairs, vendors and sometimes event organizers (e.g. competition event 

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 6 - 8 hours a month on average, with 2-3 additional hours during competition times 

VP of Advocacy

• The VP of Advocacy shall represent Timberline Middle PTSA at the WSPTA Legislative Assembly, 
annual convention, and other events as available
• Connect with the council and neighboring schools to further district-wide advocacy plans
• Communicate with board, school, and community the current state of advocacy programs that pertain to 
our school and community
• Disseminate State Advocacy opportunities in coordination with Communications team
• Lead advocacy efforts for any LWSD levy or bond years
• Attend available council level trainings/meetings 

• TMS PTSA Board and Membership Meetings (90 minutes per month)
• Monthly DEI Committee Meeting (or have DEI Chair attend) (60 minutes)
• Monthly Special Education (SpEd) Meeting (60 minutes)
• Attend/participate in Focus Day if applicable

Commitment (excluding meeting times)
• 5 hours a month