Launched in 1991, the National Science Bowl (NSB) is a highly competitive science education and academic event among teams of high school and middle school students who compete in a fast-paced verbal forum to solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math. Each team is composed of four students, one alternate student, and a coach. Regional and national events encourage student involvement in math and science activities of importance to the Department of Energy and the Nation. (
Regional Competitions and Date
The competition will be held In Person. Currently only one (1) team per school is guaranteed if we register before Dec 1st. There is an option to register 2nd and 3rd teams and they will review after Dec 6th.
Regional Competition Date: January 28, 2022
Location: University of Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd, Franz Hall Check-in, Portland, Oregon 97203
Tryout Registration Details:
● Grades: 6 – 8
● Date and Time: October 25 and 27
● Location: Mr. Steele’s Tuesday and Thursday Flex
● Registration closes: Sunday, October 23, 2022 – 11:00 pm
● Registration Link: Click here to register
Selection Process:
NSB teams are formed through rank testing. Students take exams in different subject areas such as Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science and Math. The top students from each subject area are then selected to form the Team. If a student drops from the team, the next ranked student will be offered the position. Top five students will form the varsity team and represent TMS in the virtual regional competition 2022. This year, 3 teams may be allowed. However, 2nd and 3rd teams may not be approved before December 5, 2022. Two other varsity teams will be formed as well, in the event two more teams are allowed to represent TMS in the competition.
● The qualifier round will be held in person at TMS, to test the in-depth knowledge of the student in different areas of science such as Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science and Math.
● The details of the tests will be sent to students who register. There will be more questions than they will have time to complete, this allows them to demonstrate their knowledge and speed.
● Rank is determined by most correct questions.
● Top ranking students from the subject area will form the team. In case of a tie, cumulative scores will be taken to break the tie. If the same student scores highest in multiple subject areas, the 1st runner up in that category will be chosen or there will be a tie breaker round.
● The qualifier quiz was created by high school students, TMS students, and TMS staff. All of the creators are in no way involved with participation in NSB. Final scoring and team placement is determined by TMS staff in order to avoid any conflict of interest.
Student Commitments:
● Should be available on the date of the competition.
● 3-4 hours of work outside of school work per week.
● Coaching will be conducted either by a parent volunteer of the varsity team or students self-practice as a group.
Important notes to Parents for the Regional Competition
While registering for qualifiers, students and parents should acknowledge that the In-Person Regional Competition rules have been read and they agree to the terms.
They should also agree to the time commitment.
Parents/guardians mentoring the top ranking selected students will need to be Timberline Middle PTSA members, and LWSD approved volunteers.